First look at a big cat 

   I do not know if this is of any interest to you, but a friend and I were heading back from an excellent day of fishing. It was about 10:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2006. We had just gone about 3 kilometers south of Elk Creek Campground when we spotted what we thought was a coyote walking down the side of the road towards us. As we got closer we realized that it was a mountain lion. My heart was overjoyed. We stopped right beside it, backed up and put our headlights on it. It stayed just into the ditch and was crouched down. It was absolutely amazing. We were between six and eight meters from the cat. WHAT A SIGHT! 

   Cougars are such a majestic animal. I have been fishing that area for over 20 years and I have never seen one before in the wild. We just sat there watching it and it sat there watching us. We finally decided to leave before we spooked it. As we started to move away, it seemed to take two or three bounds and it was gone.    


We sat there watching it and it sat there watching us.

The ALBERTA GAME WARDEN magazine encourages the submission of letters, articles, and photographs from anyone interested in conservation. Letters to the editor and other material submitted for publication should be mailed to:

Jason Hanson
Box 8208
Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada T9M 1N1
Sharie Cousins
WPM Place, 530-8 Street South
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada T1J 2J8

Articles or correspondence may be submitted directly to the editor's desk by FAX: (780) 352-7220 OR E-MAIL:

Deadlines for all submissions: December 1st, March 1st, June 1st and September 1st for inclusion in subsequent issue.

The magazine shall not be responsible for unsolicited materials.