Alberta courts on right track

   I am responding to a story that appeared on page 9 of the Summer 2007 edition of the Alberta Game Warden, entitled, “Court proceedings conclude for wildlife enforcement cases”. I am pleased to see our judiciary taking a firm stand against people who break our wildlife laws.

   The principals in this case deserve exactly what was handed down by the courts; a lifetime suspension of the specified hunting privilege. I believe that lifetime suspensions should be handed down more often to people who have a total disregard for wildlife laws. Case in point; the gentleman that appears in the article entitled “Outfitter arrested” on page 25 of the same edition, blatantly continued to break law after law, and should qualify for a lifetime suspension under the Wildlife Act.

   People who have a total disregard to protect our wildlife for our use and future generations should forfeit their hunting/fishing privileges. Like many other activities in our lives, these are privileges.

   I commend our judicial system that is increasing the fines and suspensions of hunting/fishing infractions. It is apparent that some people only understand draconian laws in order to curtail their illegal activities.

   I have enjoyed reading your magazine ever since I received the first one a number of years ago. I look forward to the arrival of each edition. I have hunted/fished for almost fifty years. Keep up the good work and keep the magazines coming.   

Louis L. Di Stefano
A concerned sportsman who wants
our wildlife protected, Edmonton.

The ALBERTA GAME WARDEN magazine encourages the submission of letters, articles, and photographs from anyone interested in conservation. Letters to the editor and other material submitted for publication should be mailed to:

Jason Hanson
Box 8208
Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada T9M 1N1
Sharie Cousins
WPM Place, 530-8 Street South
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada T1J 2J8

Articles or correspondence may be submitted directly to the editor's desk by FAX: (780) 352-7220 OR E-MAIL:

Deadlines for all submissions: December 1st, March 1st, June 1st and September 1st for inclusion in subsequent issue.

The magazine shall not be responsible for unsolicited materials.